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23. maí 2002 Matvælaráðuneytið

Viðræður við Alcoa um byggingu álvers í Reyðarfirði.

Iðnaðar- og viðskiptaráðuneyti
Nr. 7/2002

Fulltrúar Alcoa og Fjárfestingarstofunnar – orkusviðs hafa undirritað samkomulag um áframhald viðræðna um möguleika á byggingu álvers í Reyðarfirði.

Samkvæmt viðbótarsamkomulaginu er einnig til skoðunar að reisa 320.000 tonna álver í einum áfanga, sem yrði að fullu í eigu Alcoa. Orka kæmi frá virkjun við Kárahnjúka og veitu í Fljótsdal. Virkjunarframkvæmdir og rekstur orkumannvirkja verði í höndum Landsvirkjunar.

Alcoa mun áfram fara yfir matsskýrslur og úrskurði vegna umhverfisáhrifa álvers og orkumannvirkja til að tryggja að verkefnin standist umhverfisstefnu fyrirtækisins.

Mikil vinna hefur átt sér stað undanfarnar vikur og ekkert komið fram sem gefur tilefni til að ætla samningar geti ekki tekist um byggingu álvers.

Viðræðuáætlunin var upphaflega undirrituð þann 19. apríl sl. og samkvæmt þeirri viðbót sem undirrituð var í dag er gert ráð fyrir að áætlunin gildi til 18. júlí nk. Þá munu aðilar taka ákvörðun um hvort haldið verði áfram með verkefnið og undirrituð verði formleg yfirlýsing um samningaviðræður. Verði niðurstaðan jákvæð mun Landsvirkjun ráðast í undirbúningsframkvæmdir í sumar ef samkomulag um hlutdeild kostnaðar næst við Alcoa.

Press release

Alcoa Inc. ("Alcoa") and the Invest in Iceland Agency ("Invest in Iceland") announced today that they have signed an extension of their Joint Action Plan to explore the possibility of constructing a state-of-the-art aluminum production plant in Eastern Iceland.

In the project under review, Alcoa would own and operate a 320,000 metric-ton per year aluminum plant, which would receive power from a 500+ Mw hydroelectric power station in Eastern Iceland. That power station would be constructed and operated by Landsvirkjun, the National Power Company of Iceland.

Alcoa will continue to review the environmental impact assessments associated with both projects to ensure that they meet its high standards for sustainable development.

A lot of work has been done during the last few weeks and nothing indicates that the project can not be implemented.

The Joint Action Plan was originally signed on April 19, 2002, and the extension runs until July 18, 2002. At that time, the parties will make a decision whether to sign a formal Memorandum of Understanding and proceed with the project. Based on a positive decision Landsvirkjun will start working on site preperation this summer if an agreement can be reached with Alcoa on cost-sharing.

About Alcoa
Alcoa is the world's leading producer of primary aluminum, fabricated aluminum and alumina, and is active in all major aspects of the industry. Alcoa's aluminum products and components are used worldwide in aircraft, automobiles, beverage cans, buildings, chemicals, sports and recreation, and a wide variety of industrial and consumer applications, including such Alcoa consumer brands as Alcoa(R) wheels, Reynolds Wrap(R) aluminum foil, and Baco(R) household wraps. Among its related businesses are precision castings, vinyl siding, closures, and electrical distribution systems for cars and trucks. The company has 129,000 employees in 38 countries.

Reykjavík, 23. maí 2002

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