Hoppa yfir valmynd
7. mars 2023

52nd Session of the Human Rights Council: General Debate on High Commissioner’s Oral Update

Human Rights Council – 52nd session

Item 2: Annual report of HC for Human Rights and report of OHCHR and SG

General Debate on High Commissioner’s Oral Update

Statement by Iceland


Thank you, Mr. President.

Iceland thanks the High Commissioner for his oral update.

Iceland continues to monitor the UN Joint Programme on human rights in the Philippines. Genuine intentions of all stakeholders are crucial for the programme to bring about positive change. Iceland calls on the Government to implement the Programme to the letter and address accountability failings.

In Ethiopia, Iceland commends the Government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front for steps taken in implementing the Permanent Cessation of Hostilities Agreement. Transitional justice and accountability through independent, transparent and impartial investigations must be ensured.

In Egypt, human rights defenders, journalists, and activists continue to face reprisals and unlawful restrictions. Iceland urges the Government to respect, protect and fulfill the rights to freedoms of expression and opinion, and peaceful assembly and association.

In Yemen, Iceland calls on all parties to uphold international humanitarian law and human rights law and to secure a political solution. The people of Yemen deserve peace.

In closing, Iceland refers to Nordic-Baltic statements on the situation in Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Sudan and South-Sudan in respective Interactive Dialogues.


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