Hoppa yfir valmynd
23. mars 2023

Webinar on Gender, Data, and Decolonization in the Arctic, March 23, 2023

This webinar held on March 23, 2023, featured a rich discussion on how data reflects the realities of Arctic peoples and how gaps can be addressed when it does not. Panelists offered insights into who decides what is important, and who collects this information. Themes such as the decolonization of data, the co-production and co-creation of knowledge, and re-imagining data mapping and policy shaping were also explored.

Click here to view the recording on YouTube.

Featured speakers included: Bridget Larocque (Weaving Wisdoms, Yellowknife, NWT), Chris Andersen (Professor & Dean of Native Studies, University of Alberta, and author of Indigenous Statistics: A Quantitative Research Methodology), and Kimberly Fairman (Executive Director, Institute for Circumpolar Health Research).

Listeners interested in quoting any remarks shared by speakers are asked to first seek written permission from the Embassy of Iceland in Ottawa via: [email protected]. The webinar was part of an ongoing collaboration between the Embassy of Canada in Reykjavík and the Embassy of Iceland in Ottawa in partnership with Polar Knowledge Canada and the Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network (IACN).


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