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27.02.2020 Utanríkisráðuneytið

Ræða Íslands í umræðum um munnlega yfirlitsskýrslu mannréttindafulltrúa Sameinuðu þjóðanna

Thank you Madam President,

Iceland thanks the High Commissioner for her update. We also welcome the announcement by the Secretary General of his Human Rights Call to Action.

Madam President,

We share the High Commissioner´s concern over restrictions that continue to intensify on freedom of expression and media freedom, as well as the right to peaceful assembly.

It is the democratic and civil right of the public everywhere to peacefully protest. It is crucial that this right is protected, and also, that protestors engaging in demonstrations do so peacefully. We therefore share concerns of reports raised from Iran, Egypt, Iraq, Guinea, Hong Kong and elsewhere.

All states must respect the principle of proportionality and during demonstrations and security operations refrain from using disproportionate or lethal force against civilians.

Madam President,

We regret Sri Lanka´s decision to move away from it´s previous support to the Council´s resolution and stress the need to protect independent institutions and civil society. We urge the Government of Sri Lanka to fully implement all recommendations made by the High Commissioner.

I thank you.


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