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17. september 2018

Ræða um ástandið í Búrúndí

Davíð Logi Sigurðsson, deildarstjóri mannréttindamála í utanríkisráðuneytinu, flutti í dag ávarp í umræðu um skýrslu sem rannsóknarnefnd á vegum ráðsins hefur skilað af sér og hefur að geyma alvarlegar upplýsingar um mannréttindabrot í Búrúndi, sem og skort á samstarfsvilja stjórnvalda í landinu við nefndina.

39th session of the Human Rights Council

Statement on Burundi

17 September 2018

Delivered by Iceland


Thank you Mr. President

Iceland thanks the Commission of Inquiry for their report on the human rights situation in Burundi.

We take this opportunity to express our concern over the lack of cooperation shown by the Government of Burundi, as described in the report. The Human Rights Council has passed resolution 36/19 urging the Burundi Government to cooperate fully, allow visits by the Commission and provide it with all the relevant information to fulfill its mandate.

In this context, we would like to recall in particular that elected members of this Council shall uphold the highest standards in the promotion and protection of human rights.


Mr. President,

The Commission of Inquiry is to be commended for the detailed report it has been able to provide, despite the difficult conditions it has had to conduct its work under.

We remain deeply concerned over the situation in Burundi, as described in the report, with indications that crimes against humanity may have been committed.

We are concerned over the continued violence committed by the National Intelligence Service, the Burundian police, army and the Imbonerakure, the ruling party‘s youth league. Furthermore, the persistence of violations of international law, such as extrajudicial executions, arbitrary arrests and detentions, enforced disappearances, torture and sexual violence continue to be a grave concern.

Mr. President,

We look forward to supporting a resolution in this council extending the mandate of the Commission of Inquiry. However, we take this opportunity to reiterate our call to the Government of Burundi to immediately cooperate with the Commission.

I thank you.


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