Hoppa yfir valmynd
16. mars 2023

"Gender, Data, and Decolonization in the Arctic" þ. 23. mars nk.

One of the major challenges faced by northern communities in understanding the realities faced by Arctic peoples is the lack of sufficient gendered and intersectional data, including data on indigenous populations and LGBTQIA2S+ individuals.

This webinar will build on discussions held during a recent workshop in Iceland on this topic. Panelists will talk about practical approaches to data collection and discuss how data does/does not reflect the different realities of Arctic peoples. They will also offer insights into who decides what is important, and who collects this information. Themes such as the decolonization of data, the co-production and co-creation of knowledge, and re-imagining data mapping and policy shaping will be explored during the discussion.

The webinar is a part of an ongoing collaboration between the Embassy of Canada in Reykjavík and the Embassy of Iceland in Ottawa in partnership with Polar Knowledge Canada and the Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network (IACN).



Welcome Remarks: Ambassador Jeannette MenziesEmbassy of Canada in Reykjavík

Opening Remarks: Chris Andersen, Professor & Dean of Native Studies, University of Alberta, Author of Indigenous Statistics: A Quantitatvie Research Methodology


Panel Discussion and Q&A:


Embla Eir Oddsdóttir, Director, Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network, Lead Gender Equality in the Arctic


Bridget Larocque, Weaving Wisdoms, Yellowknife

Chris Andersen, Professor & Dean of Native Studies, University of Alberta, Author of Indigenous Statistics: A Quantitatvie Research Methodology

Kimberly Fairman, Executive Director, Institute for Circumpolar Health Research

Closing Remarks: Ambassador Hlynur GudjonssonEmbassy of Iceland in Ottawa



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