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01. júní 2023 Félags- og vinnumarkaðsráðuneytið

Ávarp félags- og vinnumarkaðsráðherra á fyrri hluta norrænnar ráðstefnu um betri framtíð í þjónustu við fatlað fólk

Rafrænt ávarp Guðmundar Inga Guðbrandssonar, félags- og vinnumarkaðsráðherra, á fyrri hluta ráðstefnunnar Co-creation of better future in the services for persons with person with disabilities:

Esteemed attendees,

I bid you welcome to this conference today, in this year of Iceland´s presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers.  Today we will explore how we can work together to create better and more effective welfare services.  The stated theme of the conference is “how we can co-create a better future in services for persons with disabilities” and this theme will be the focus of our discussions here today. 

It is clear that our welfare services will have to face many challenges in the coming years and decades.  I am not going to list all of these challenges, but I will say that some of them are so extensive that we cannot respond to them with the solutions we have used so far. 
Circumstances in our environment will also require that we think in terms of multiple futures so we can offer more diverse solutions than we currently have at our disposal.
We also need to think proactively so that our actions can be predictive as well as responsive, thus enabling us to prevent challenges that may be difficult to overcome.

Governments across the globe are looking for new ways to develop new solutions so welfare services can better meet the wide range of needs that must be addressed. Despite the great obstacles that we face, we believe that by using systematic methods, we can build on the experience and knowledge gained from innovation to create important solutions for the future. 

It is therefore necessary to develop an infrastructure of innovation in public services with the aim of consciously redesigning the services in question. 

This requires measures including a different approach to developing innovation capability at all levels of governance. We need to change project management procedures so that they are developed in a process of co-creation, where new solutions are created both with and for people. 

We must rid ourselves of old habits and encourage people to have the bravery and courage to pursue new paths; empowering them to pursue their own development, self-awareness, self-esteem and desire to become independent and happy individuals. We must likewise amend our social structure to give everyone a chance to enjoy the quality of life to which they aspire. This will bring us closer to maintaining a balance between individuals and their environment.

Co-creation requires creativity, diverse participation and knowledge that may become a focal point of welfare services, and more targeted decision making.  A key factor in creating solutions is the broad participation of people both within and outside welfare services. Acknowledging that everyone can create, and the involvement of representatives of other service providers, private entities, entrepreneurs and, not least, the end users, i.e. families and individuals, is therefore highly important. 

In my mind, the Nordic ideal of effective, high-quality welfare services is based on this principle. 

With peace at the forefront, we can achieve our vision of the Nordic countries becoming green, competitive and socially sustainable by 2030.

A socially sustainable Nordic Region is one where universal design, accessibility, and inclusion are central perspectives. We believe that all individuals, regardless of their abilities, should have equal access to opportunities, services, and technologies. 

Accessibility is not just a matter of convenience; it is a prerequisite for equality and the ability to participate independently in society. By ensuring accessibility, we empower persons with disabilities and prevent them from being placed in vulnerable and marginalized positions.

In the digital age we live in, accessibility to our increasingly digitized Nordic welfare society is of paramount importance. Our national action plan recognizes this and emphasizes the need to ensure that persons with disabilities have equal access to information and communication technologies and systems. This includes digital platforms, online services, and digital content. By making our digital infrastructure accessible, we open a world of opportunities for individuals with disabilities and enable them to fully participate in society.

This spring, Iceland took the lead in establishing a Nordic statement og ministers to support the involvement of people with disabilities in a digital world. Iceland will work with the other Nordic countries to ensure that people with disabilities are not left behind in these matters.
Iceland is currently working on a national strategy plan to implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by 2030.  During its current term, the Government of Iceland will enact the Convention into law, which will be a great leap forward in furthering human rights. In this implementation process, Icelandic authorities will collaborate with the other Nordic countries.

In conclusion, the Nordic Region is committed to making our vision of the most integrated region in the world a reality by 2030. Central to this vision is the importance of disability inclusion, accessibility, and universal design. By ensuring equal access to information and communications technologies, by embracing innovation and user involvement, and by fostering co-creation, we can create a more inclusive and prosperous society for all. 

Together, let us work towards a future where no one is left behind, and where everyone can contribute and thrive. 

I believe that today will constitute an important step forward for people with disabilities in the Nordic countries, with innovation and co-creation playing a key role in creating a better world for all of us.


Hafa samband

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