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24. nóvember 2020 Utanríkisráðuneytið

Ávarp utanríkis- og þróunarsamvinnuráðherra á framlagaráðstefnu vegna Afganistans

Thank you Mr. Chair, 

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am very pleased to join others in reconfirming support to peace and sustainable development in Afghanistan.

I thank the Governments of Afghanistan and Finland, and the United Nations for organizing this important conference. It comes at a critical moment, with the ongoing negotiations presenting a historic opportunity for peace – an opportunity which we sincerely hope will be seized.

Ladies and gentlemen, 

Promoting sustainable development, prosperity and peace in Afghanistan is an objective which Iceland fully subscribes to. We continue to advocate for the critical importance of human rights and gender equality as being central to progress, including the meaningful participation of women in all aspects of negotiations and peacebuilding. 

In line with Iceland´s development cooperation policy, our current support to Afghanistan focuses on gender equality and women’s empowerment through UN WOMEN, and on education and fostering freedom of expression and safety of journalists, through UNESCO. In addition, I am pleased to announce a contribution of 30 million ISK to the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund, managed by OCHA. 

In closing, allow me to thank you again for the opportunity to address this important conference and to contribute to the international community’s support to peace and prosperity in Afghanistan.

Thank you.

Ávarpið var flutt í gegnum fjarfundarbúnað á framlagaráðstefnu í Genf sem skipulögð var af stjórnvöldum í Afganistan, ríkisstjórn Finnlands og Sameinuðu þjóðunum. 


Hafa samband

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