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24. júní 2021 Utanríkisráðuneytið

Ávarp á ráðherrafundi Sameinuðu þjóðanna um orkumál

Distinguished Chair, fellow Global Champions, ladies, and gentlemen.

It has been an honour for Iceland to take on the role of Global Thematic Champion – a role which is very much in line with Iceland´s overall commitment to the clean energy transition, at home and abroad.

Allow me to make three key points, reflecting our priorities in this process:

First – to make our food systems more sustainable we need sustainable sources of energy.

Iceland has a history of utilizing sustainable energy – especially geothermal energy - in the production, processing, and value addition of food – be it fisheries, aquaculture, and agriculture.

Through direct multiple-use we have been able to enhance production and minimize waste in the value chain, and this has played a central role in driving domestic economic growth and job creation.

Iceland is working with partners such as the World Bank, IRENA, and SEforALL to help drive such transformation in developing countries. And we are committed to continue to do so, including in Small Island Developing States, where job creation in the sustainable blue economy is especially important.

The upcoming UN Food Systems Summit provides an opportunity to recognize the critical importance of sustainable food systems for our future.

Second - sustainable energy is a key component of the circular economy.

Indeed, to achieve the objectives of the circular economy and shift towards a green economy, the focus cannot only be on innovation and design of products, processes, and materials, but also on sustainability and resource efficiency. This includes that of energy.

In Iceland we have learnt how multi-use of material and energy from geothermal developments and waste heat from industry can benefit range of sectors: high technology, food production and processing, industrial processes, and even tourism.

We are eager to share this knowledge and experience with others.

Third - Iceland has long promoted the need for advancing gender equality in the transition to sustainable energy. Not only is this key for women´s empowerment, including through green job creation, but also a critical to achieving sustainable energy for all.

In Iceland, like elsewhere; energy has largely been a male-dominated sector. Things are moving in the right direction – especially at the highest political level – but there is still a way to go eliminating gender stereotypes and changing social norms is one factor. By careful planning and implementation of policies, companies have also shown that they can achieve impressive results for gender equality.

Mr. Chair

To conclude, let me assure you that Iceland is fully committed to its role as a Global Champion.

To this end, we plan to submit an ambitious Energy Compact at the High-Level Dialogue in September.

We encourage others to do the same.

Thank you.

Ávarpið var flutt á ráðherrafundi um eflingu heimsmarkmiða Sameinuðu þjóðanna í tengslum við orkuskipti með jafnræði að leiðarljósi


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